
Does God Believe in Atheists? is unavailable, but you can change that!

This award-winning title traces the development of atheistic and agnostic thinking over the past 2,500 years and shows how thinkers like Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Neitzsche, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Bertrand Russell, and others have shaped many people’s thinking today. It also pinpoints the flaws in Darwinian evolutionism and in claims made for it by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens,...

It has often been said that the most important questions anyone could ever ask are: ‘Who am I?’, ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘Where am I going?’ Dealing as they do with the issues of a person’s identity, meaning and destiny, they are obviously of great significance, but even these are secondary when put alongside one which is both fundamental and inescapable: ‘Does God exist?’ This is the question, and every debate about human life and death, and about the universe in which humanity lives and dies,
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